

Electronic Control Systems: Simulations and Experiments ISBN: 978-1-935422-13-6

Experiments and Simulations with LTspice Examples

* Lamp Blinker / Electromagnet Relay * Pulse Width Modulation and Power Control
* Simulation of Pulse Width Modulation and Power Control * AC Power Control / Triac
* Switch Mode Voltage Boost Converter * Simulation of Switch Mode Voltage Boost Converter
* Two Point On-Off Control System * Simulation of a two-point Controller
* Proportional Mode Control System * Simulation of Proportional Control
* Proportional Mode Simulation and Experiment * PI Mode Simulation and Experiment
* Simulation of a Proportional Plus Integral Control System * Simulation of a PID Control System
* PID Mode Simulation and Experiment

Application Experiments

* Linear Voltage Regulator * Two Point On/Off Temperature Controller
* Proportional Mode Temperature Control * Proportional Motor Speed Control
* PI Motor Speed Control * PID Motor Speed Control


Pulse Width Modulation and Power Control
Proportional Mode Control System
Proportional Mode Temperature Control

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